Friday, April 10, 2020

Girly Exercises

When I finally decided to get in shape this year, I had no idea I would love it so much. I was offered a free trial membership to a trendy new place downtown, where they assigned me a personal trainer, who asked me a few questions about my fitness goals.

"I just want to feel healthy and look good naked," I shrugged, looking around sheepishly. My baggy shirt was hiding ample belly flab and weak arms. The trainer explained that they used a very advanced system here, and for best results I should install their app which would help customize my workouts and adapt to my training style.

"Just be careful what machines you decide to use, it might give the algorithm the wrong idea," the trainer said seriously.

At first, I tried going for the free weights...but it was just so much work. A few days in, I was spending most of my time on some of the "girly" machines, these thigh exercises were easy when I could just scroll through my phone at the same time. The app would somehow know what exercises I was doing, and at the end of the session I had a customized post-workout shake waiting for me. Mine were always pink for some reason, but whatever, they tasted great.

It's only been a month, but I've been getting in such great shape. This place is like, so amazing, they even leave me free outfits in my locker every week. I definitely need them, my glutes are so much bigger and stronger now. I mean yeah, so like my cock is now gone, but I'm at the highest setting on some of the machines, and my legs are so strong that I could squeeze a mans head between my smooth thighs. Mmmmhhh...a mans head between my thighs. I could definitely go for that right now. I need to work on some chest exercises though, my titties still aren't big enough. Maybe my trainer could help...

1 comment:

  1. If an exercise app on my phone could give me results like in this gif, I'd sign up in a flash! Great caption. (sigh!)
